Inspiration... the famous one. For this, seeking sources of inspiration is often the first step in a web design project.
Discover my 5 favorite resources to find inspiration in website design.
5 Sites to Find Inspiration
My TOP 5
1. Made In Webflow
The most beautiful no-code websites are developed on Webflow. So what better place than "Made in Webflow," the project-sharing platform for Webflow developments, to find inspiration?

Discover Made in Webflow (formerly Webflow Showcase)
2. AWWWARDS (awarding the best-designed sites)
Awwwards are to web development what the Cannes Film Festival is to cinema.
No need to say more. Go take a look at the awarded projects in various categories.

Discover the sites that have won Awwwards
3. Figma Community
Figma's community exchange platform is full of "flat" inspirations. UX mockups, UI designs, interface designs, 3D visuals...
There's something for every taste.

Explore resources from the Figma Community
4. Flux Academy (YouTube)
Every month, Ran Segall posts videos on his Flux Academy channel showcasing "AMAZING SITES."
The format is cool, featuring Ran as a teacher explaining what he appreciates about the designs in his selection.

Get inspired by Ran's YouTube videos
5. Drawing inspiration from sites created by Digidop
With a diverse and rich portfolio of projects, you can discover a multitude of inspirations on Digidop's portfolio. Websites from various industries with different styles and challenges. What do they all have in common?
They are all created on Webflow.