Discover the reasons behind the strategic decision to make the formations of the Digidop Academy free.
Short version
(1) Focus on our core business specialization
(2) Serve the mission of our agency
(3) Attract new talent in the no-code web ecosystem
Detailed version
(1) Focus on our core business specialization (Webflow agency)
We are a Webflow agency. Not an online training sales platform.
Our goal is to build a brand around our business expertise. This is the choice of specialization.
Focusing on a single vertical allows us to:
- gain recognition,
- close our sales more easily,
- retain our clients,
- increase our prices.
This is a strategy we adopted early in the launch of our agency, when we were still a "no-code agency." Digidop has become a Webflow agency.
(2) The mission of our agency
Free or paid? When this question arose, we revisited the vision of Digidop. Our “Why.”
"Making the technological lever of no-code accessible."
Because yes, these technologies change lives (we are living proof), but there are still many barriers to entry. Notably, the barrier of language: 99% of quality content on no-code tools is in English.
And… The more we give, the more we receive!
This free content serves our inbound marketing strategy, which has proven effective. We have never spent a single euro on outbound prospecting since the launch of Digidop.
Google Ads? Not familiar with it.
(3) Attract new talent in the no-code web ecosystem
“A company is the sum of the human skills that compose it.”
By providing free access to training in our areas of expertise, we give everyone the opportunity to discover and/or progress with these tools.
And, perhaps one day, inspire them to join us to:
- Develop new skills,
- Participate in the Digidop adventure,
- Share, in turn, with the Francophone community
⚠️ Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s not high quality.

And as a bonus 🎁 :
For your convenience, to avoid YouTube ads during your learning experience, we have hosted all training videos on Vimeo. This is an important choice because
- We forgo the SEO benefits of using YouTube as a hosting platform
- Vimeo, unlike YouTube, is a paid hosting platform (and it’s quite expensive).
So this is a wonderful gift we offer you to enhance your learning experience.