Digidop continues its support for the 123IM Group with a new project for its SaaS.

  • 12
    CMS Collections
  • 8
    training hours
  • 100%
    autonomous in the evolution of the site
Pams logo with salon background

After a successful initial collaboration on the group's main brand, we are delighted to continue our partnership with 123IM to develop their new service: Pams.

1. About Pams

Pams is a SaaS private equity platform designed for financial advisors and wealth management professionals. A subsidiary of 123IM, Pams leverages over 30 years of expertise to provide diversified and effective investment solutions that were previously exclusive to institutional investors.

2. The project: Digidop x Clint x Pams

In collaboration with the agency Clint, the project has been divided into three parts:

  • Branding & Web Design: Created by Clint
  • Development of the showcase website on Webflow: By Digidop
  • Application Development: By Pams

3. A phased delivery approach:

To ensure a gradual launch and facilitate technical testing, the project has been structured with a roadmap spanning nearly a year, including several delivery phases.

3.1 Development of a Design System and Components

The entire Design System and component library was developed immediately on Webflow to align the SaaS platform's design with the showcase website. This allowed the application's developers to utilize certain components (HTML & CSS exports) for the WebApp.

3.2 Development of a Temporary "Coming Soon" Landing Page

The goal of this page was to establish the domain name and create a landing page in preparation for the official announcement of the group's new service.

Screenshot of a temporary site created for Pams

3.3 Development of a Webflow CMS-first & SEO-optimized site

  • 12 CMS Collections
  • 14 Static Pages
  • 3 Contact Forms
  • Integration of best SEO practices
  • Responsive
  • Animations

4. Results & Client Feedback

At the beginning of June, after 9 months of close collaboration between the marketing and digital teams of 123IM, the branding agency Clint, application developers, and Digidop, we launched:

  • A strong brand (Branding, Logo)
  • A scalable and SEO-optimized showcase website (Webflow)
  • An application for their users, accessible via a login button on the showcase website
  • Elliot Tison, Digital Officer at 123IM, shares his experience:

    "Digidop is a comprehensive partner, assisting us in all aspects: development, CMS structuring, deployment, and production."

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